
School Zone Safety Tips for Every Driver

When school's in session, millions of children across the road. With all this activity, there's an increased danger that you may accidentally collide with a student. Here are some tips on avoiding young pedestrians, no matter whether they are rushing to class before...

Medical Mistakes Are Incredibly Common

Medical Mistakes Are Incredibly Common If you believe that you or a loved one may have been the victim of a medical mistake, you are certainly not alone. According to a truly shocking study released in 2017 by researchers at Johns Hopkins, medical mistakes are (at...

Muerte Injusta en Asilo: COVID 19

Los asilos o casas hogar para ancianos son lugares que deberían de considerarse altamente seguros y protegidos, se deben de mantener higiénicos, infraestructura adecuada, equipo médico certificado, personal administrativo y de limpieza capacitado. Todo el personal...

Back Pain Doctors 

There are many reasons as to why back pain can occur.  Sometimes back pain is inherited from birth complications and bone issues that later develop in life. Other reasons can be illnesses that can cause muscle issues in the back. However, back pain can also happen...

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