A car accident can turn your life upside down. It is important to understand the steps to take if you have been in an accident and suffered serious injuries as a result of it. You may be eligible to recover compensation if a lawyer determines that you have a valid case. Know these steps if you are injured in an accident.  

Call the Police

As soon as you can call the police and inform them about the accident. They will let you know if they can come to your aid and provide further instructions. While you wait, you should stay at the scene, because fleeing an accident scene if someone was injured is a criminal offense. 

Get Medical Treatment

After the accident, get medical help right away. It is common for many people to skip this step, but it is important, especially if you do have a case. The insurance company might not take your accident claim seriously if you do not immediately get medical attention. They are likely to argue that you were not injured. It is best for your health to get immediate treatment from a doctor. 

Document the Accident Area

Take many photos of the accident scene so you can share them with a lawyer. As a top-rated and qualified car accident lawyer from Tuttle Law, P.A. can tell you, the more evidence you can gather for your case, the better, even if you don’t think it’s much. They will go through the evidence that you have gathered and see which pieces can be most supportive for your case. 

Call Your Insurance Adjuster

Report your accident claim to an insurance adjuster. You need to inform them immediately so they can have it on record that you got into an accident. They will ask you questions about the nature of your accident, the extent of the damage to your vehicle, and other details. Suppose you don’t call your insurance company right away. In that case, it can hinder and cause delays in the claims process. Failing to communicate with them can also result in complications when you try to recover compensation. 

With help from a lawyer they can provide you with the current legal assistance you need, helping you navigate the situation and setting the outcome you deserve. Call a trusted car accident lawyer now if you need assistance with an accident claim.