por Unidos Legales | Mar 7, 2022 | Sin categorizar
Medical Mistakes Are Incredibly Common If you believe that you or a loved one may have been the victim of a medical mistake, you are certainly not alone. According to a truly shocking study released in 2017 by researchers at Johns Hopkins, medical mistakes are (at...
por Unidos Legales | Feb 26, 2022 | Sin categorizar
Personal injuries end up happening for different reasons, whether that be bike accidents, work falls, or even something more severe like an injury at work, that can leave someone with a permanently damaged limb. Now sometimes, personal injuries can happen, due to...
por Unidos Legales | Feb 25, 2022 | Sin categorizar
Nursing Home Injury Lawyer With nursing homes becoming more of an option for families with elderly people who require 24 hour around-the-clock care, we have unfortunately seen elder abuse go up and use facilities for various reasons. If you have a lovely dinner...
por Unidos Legales | Feb 13, 2022 | Sin categorizar
Si su familiar ha sido víctima de muerte por negligencia es importante que contacte a un abogado especialista en muerte por negligencia. Un Abogado por muerte injusta le ayudará a dar claridad a su caso, concretando evidencia que determinara que la causa de su...
por Unidos Legales | Ene 23, 2022 | Sin categorizar
Los asilos o casas hogar para ancianos son lugares que deberían de considerarse altamente seguros y protegidos, se deben de mantener higiénicos, infraestructura adecuada, equipo médico certificado, personal administrativo y de limpieza capacitado. Todo el personal...