Recovering after a personal injury accident is often just the beginning of the hardships that many victims face. Many victims of personal injury accidents feel stressed and disoriented trying to determine how to move forward after suffering physical injuries, psychological trauma, and lost income. Thankfully, there are resources available if you need legal counsel. Seasoned personal injury accident lawyers are familiar with the process to file personal injury claims. Any kind of legal situation can be hard to resolve by yourself, so having a lawyer to guide you to a solution is valuable. Here is what you can expect when you go through the claims process for a personal injury case. 

Initial Consultation 

The consultation with a lawyer is where you discover basic facts about your situation such as whether or not you have a valid claim, the lawyer’s fees, your case value, and your legal options. During this time you should ask many questions regarding your case and take notes that are important for you to know. The personal injury lawyer will explain what you should expect and suggest the next steps for you to take. 

Learn the Statute of Limitations 

Every state has its own statute of limitations, so find out what it is for your state. Typically the statute of limitations for a personal injury accident is two years. As a personal injury lawyer like one from Unidos Legales can provide more details on, if you wish to file a personal injury claim, you must have your claim filed before the statute of limitations is up. A lawyer can explain to you more about what you need to do to have your personal injury claim submitted on time. 

Prepare Paperwork 

Getting your paperwork for a claim organized and filled out is one of the more complex and tedious tasks of handling a claim. Following instructions and understanding the legal terms and concepts described can be difficult. If you feel stuck and unsure of what to do, you can ask a lawyer to help you fill out your paperwork and get everything in order. They can review your paperwork to confirm that your provided information is accurate and complete. 

Discovery Process 

Once your lawsuit has been filed, you can move to the discovery process. This process can take months depending on how complex your case is. Your lawyer will gather information, facts, evidence, and interview witnesses to build your case and determine what legal strategies will be most likely to be successful. 

Reach a Settlement 

Once the discovery phase ends, your lawyer and the other party’s lawyer will see if they can reach a settlement. If everyone agrees on the proposed terms and compensation amount, then a settlement is achieved. However, a settlement may not be reached for several reasons. The settlement offer may be too low, or a party may refuse to cooperate or dispute certain terms.

You should not wait to understand your legal options. If you would like to learn more about your legal options in-depth and file a personal injury claim, contact a trusted and qualified lawyer within your area.